Description: Limited Hardcover Black and White Edition of Bad Planet: Volume 1, written by Thomas Jane and Steve Niles; Illustrated by James Daly III and Tim Bradstreet...with Lewis Larosa and Dave Kendall
Throughout the Cosmos, there is a term, a combination of two simple words, spoken in over 40 million dialects which bring fear to countless living species. It is a phrase of warning, of dread, of imminent and ancient destruction. Entire civilizations have fallen under the label and disappeared from existence like a wisp of smoke on the solar wind. Now Earth itself has been designated by these two deadly words and we can only pray for a quick and painless end to everything we have ever known. Welcome to Earth . . . The next BAD PLANET.
"BAD PLANET encompasses the classic science fiction film; adding a modern world to a familiar alien invasion, only to recreate that initial childhood discovery of aliens and humans colliding through fantastic writing and stunning art from some of the best creators in comics and film. The only bad about this book is the adjective in the title."
MIKE FISH - Fangoria.com
And here's a review from joblo.com.
PRICE: $29.99
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